Friday, September 16, 2011

Where has the time gone....

I can not believe its almost the end of september already! My baby is almost 3 months old!!!
We have been so busy, busy, busy the last few months I dont even know where to start...

2 months shots came and went with little drama. The dr. switch'd Kaylin to Prilosec for her acid reflux which she refuses to take becuase its nasty so she's misrable! Remind me to call the doctor on monday to find out if theres another option...
We also changed her formula to Gerber Good Start Soy..She seems to do better on it but it is not as filling for her, not the worst thing in the world.

Josh and I both started new jobs, and we both love them!
However that means a babysitter for little miss attitude which I hate, We found a very nice lady who takes care of a few children in home that is only about 10 mintues from josh's work and 10 mintues from home.It's 30 mintues from my work BUT thats how long it would take anways....
She seems to be doing well there, she has a little boyfriend named austin, he is 4 and totally in love with her.

Time for the lesson of the day then bed..both my baby's are already sleeping!
1. You have to take peoples advice and thoughts with a grain of salt, don't let them get you down or make you questions your life, love, or parenting. Nobody knows how you feel and Nobody will ever be in your exact shoes.
2. Just Grin and Bare it and adventally you will actully be smileing
3. I was wrong, It probablly was a good thing for us to move here, I just wish that we had a little more time to prepare. Sometimes I should just jump and not worry about it becuase God has my back.
4. It;s freezeing...I need to go shopping!

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said

I've been writeing and not reliezeing I wasn't posting....opps

August 30th

Today we went to the doctor....
And everybody was nice!
From the receptionist to the nurse to the doctor to the ultrasound tech and the people in the waiting room!!!!
They even had a "scheduling specialist" who came in at 2:00 and made us an ultrasound appointment at 2:30.
There was NO wait. We actually got in early for both appointments, that we made today for today.
I could get used to that!

and the doctor said  she's looking good. 9 lbs 1.9 oz 22 inches. Only in the 8th percentile for her age but in proportion to her birthrate. Looks she has acid reflux like her daddy, had to get some baby Zantac for that, and an ultrasound to rule out a too small opening in the stomach. Gotta go back next week for shots. Oh more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Virginia is lovers...Wisconsin is for us?? I guess??

59 days ago, I gave birth to the most precious little thing I have ever seen. 6 ibs 11 oz. 19 inches long. beautiful and perfect in everyway. Kaylin Aubrey Mckenzie.
About that same time, My husband lost his job. Our option were few and far between, and after alot of thought we decided to had to take a leap and faith and move to WI. Now, I am praying this is the last "leap of faith" I will ever have to take becuase while it is working out ok so far, It was one of, it not the, scariest thing I have done.You hear me God, THE LAST ONE, pretty  please with a cherry on top!!!!

While we have been here I have learned alot of things. I am trying to keep an open mind but sometimes one can only take so much differnt and so much change needs something fimilar. Luckily I have Josh and Kaylin cuz thats about all I got that is fimilar. I can't even find the shampoo I like here. and chick-fil-a, just forget it!

BUT... the top 10 things I have learned so far..

10. "Charlie owns everything" according to Allison anyways ( he actully kind of does)
9. You do not have to sign kids out of anything, they will not get stolen here, it's ok to let them run
8. A skinned bear looks just like a person.
7. Fresh air really means it smells like cow poop, BUT it will do good for your health.
6. There are some cool pastors out there, exp ones named after 4 legged cartoon characters.
5. Everything tastes better right out the garden.
4. There are nice people in the world.
3. Apperantly when you have wine at church for communuion, and you are underage, it is still illegal.
2. There is oil in the BACK of car as well as the front.
1. You can be happy and dead broke at the same time. (see how happy he is!)

Those and my baby has a beautiful smile!!! (ok, thats 11 but so what, I am sleep deprived)